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The router must be configured to have all inactive interfaces disabled.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-207112 SRG-NET-000019-RTR-000007 SV-207112r604135_rule Low
An inactive interface is rarely monitored or controlled and may expose a network to an undetected attack on that interface. Unauthorized personnel with access to the communication facility could gain access to a router by connecting to a configured interface that is not in use. If an interface is no longer used, the configuration must be deleted and the interface disabled. For sub-interfaces, delete sub-interfaces that are on inactive interfaces and delete sub-interfaces that are themselves inactive. If the sub-interface is no longer necessary for authorized communications, it must be deleted.
Router Security Requirements Guide 2024-05-28


Check Text ( C-7373r382229_chk )
Review the router configuration.

If an interface is not being used but is configured or enabled, this is a finding.
Fix Text (F-7373r382230_fix)
Delete inactive sub-interfaces and disable and delete the configuration of any inactive ports on the router.